Source code for vector

Vector calculus module

from __future__ import division, print_function
from sympy import simplify, Matrix, S, diff, symbols, zeros, eye
from sympy import sin, sinh, cos, cosh, sqrt

x, y, z = symbols("x y z")

#%% Curvilinear coordinates
[docs]def transform_coords(coord_sys, coords, a=1, b=1, c=1): """ Return transformation for predefined coordinate systems. Parameters ------- coord_sys : string Coordinate system. coords : Tuple (3) Coordinates for the new reference system. a : SymPy expression, optional Additional parameter for some coordinate systems. b : SymPy expression, optional Additional parameter for some coordinate systems. c : SymPy expression, optional Additional parameter for some coordinate systems. Returns ------- h_vec : Tuple (3) Scale coefficients. References ---------- .. [ORTHO] Wikipedia contributors, 'Orthogonal coordinates', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 2019 """ if not isinstance(coord_sys, str): raise TypeError("The coordinate system should be defined by a string") u, v, w = coords r_dict = { "cartesian": (u, v, w), "cylindrical": (u*cos(v), u*sin(v), w), "spherical": (u*sin(v)*cos(w), u*sin(v)*sin(w), u*sin(v)), "parabolic_cylindrical": ((u**2 - v**2)/2, u*v, w), "parabolic": (u*v*cos(w), u*v*sin(w), (u**2 - v**2)/2), "paraboloidal": (sqrt((a**2 - u)*(a**2 - v)*(a**2 - w)/(b**2 - a**2)), sqrt((b**2 - u)*(b**2 - v)*(b**2 - w)/(a**2 - b**2)), S(1)/2*(a**2 + b**2 - u - v - w)), "elliptic_cylindrical": (a*cosh(u)*cos(v), a*sinh(u)*sin(v), w), "oblate_spheroidal": (a*cosh(u)*cos(v)*cos(w), a*cosh(u)*cos(v)*sin(w), a*sinh(u)*sin(v)), "prolate_spheroidal": (a*sinh(u)*sin(v)*cos(w), a*sinh(u)*sin(v)*sin(w), a*cosh(u)*cos(v)), "ellipsoidal": (sqrt((a**2 + u)*(a**2 + v)*(a**2 + w)/((a**2 - b**2)*(a**2 - c**2))), sqrt((b**2 + u)*(b**2 + v)*(b**2 + w)/((b**2 - a**2)*(b**2 - c**2))), sqrt((c**2 + u)*(c**2 + v)*(c**2 + w)/((c**2 - b**2)*(c**2 - a**2)))), "bipolar_cylindrical": (a*sinh(v)/(cosh(v) - cos(u)), a*sin(u)/(cosh(v) - cos(u)), w), "toroidal": (a*sinh(v)*cos(w)/(cosh(v) - cos(u)), a*sinh(v)*sin(w)/(cosh(v) - cos(u)), a*sin(u)/(cosh(v) - cos(u))), "bispherical": (a*sin(u)*cos(w)/(cosh(v) - cos(u)), a*sin(u)*sin(w)/(cosh(v) - cos(u)), a*sinh(v)/(cosh(v) - cos(u))), "conical": (u*v*w/(a*b), u/a*sqrt((v**2 - a**2)*(w**2 - a**2)/(a**2 - b**2)), u/b*sqrt((v**2 - b**2)*(w**2 - b**2)/(a**2 - b**2)))} if coord_sys not in r_dict.keys(): msg = "System coordinate not available.\n\nAvailable options are:\n" raise ValueError(msg + ", ".join(r_dict.keys())) return r_dict[coord_sys]
[docs]def scale_coeff(r_vec, coords): """ Compute scale coefficients for the vector tranform given by r_vec. Parameters ------- r_vec : Matrix (3, 1) Transform vector (x, y, z) as a function of coordinates u1, u2, u3. coords : Tuple (3) Coordinates for the new reference system. Returns ------- h_vec : Tuple (3) Scale coefficients. """ if isinstance(r_vec, list): r_vec = Matrix(r_vec) u1, u2, u3 = coords h1 = simplify((r_vec.diff(u1)).norm()) h2 = simplify((r_vec.diff(u2)).norm()) h3 = simplify((r_vec.diff(u3)).norm()) return h1, h2, h3
[docs]def scale_coeff_coords(coord_sys, coords, a=1, b=1, c=1): """ Return scale factors for predefined coordinate system. Parameters ------- coord_sys : string Coordinate system. coords : Tuple (3) Coordinates for the new reference system. a : SymPy expression, optional Additional parameter for some coordinate systems. b : SymPy expression, optional Additional parameter for some coordinate systems. c : SymPy expression, optional Additional parameter for some coordinate systems. Returns ------- h_vec : Tuple (3) Scale coefficients. References ---------- .. [ORTHO] Wikipedia contributors, 'Orthogonal coordinates', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 2019 """ if not isinstance(coord_sys, str): raise TypeError("The coordinate system should be defined by a string") u, v, w = coords h_dict = { "cartesian": (1, 1, 1), "cylindrical": (1, u, 1), "spherical": (1, u, u*sin(v)), "parabolic_cylindrical": (sqrt(u**2 + v**2), sqrt(u**2 + v**2), 1), "parabolic": (sqrt(u**2 + v**2), sqrt(u**2 + v**2), u*v), "paraboloidal": (S(1)/2*sqrt((v - u)*(w - u))/((a**2 - u)*(b**2 - u)), S(1)/2*sqrt((w - v)*(u - v))/((a**2 - v)*(b**2 - v)), S(1)/2*sqrt((u - w)*(v - w))/((a**2 - w)*(b**2 - w))), "elliptic_cylindrical": (a*sqrt(sinh(u)**2 + sin(v)**2), a*sqrt(sinh(u)**2 + sin(v)**2), 1), "oblate_spheroidal": (a*sqrt(sinh(u)**2 + sin(v)**2), a*sqrt(sinh(u)**2 + sin(v)**2), a*sinh(u)*sin(v)), "prolate_spheroidal": (a*sqrt(sinh(u)**2 + sin(v)**2), a*sqrt(sinh(u)**2 + sin(v)**2), a*cosh(u)*cos(v)), "ellipsoidal": (S(1)/2*sqrt((v - u)*(w - u))/((a**2 - u)*(b**2 - u)*(c**2 - u)), S(1)/2*sqrt((w - v)*(u - v))/((a**2 - v)*(b**2 - v)*(c**2 - v)), S(1)/2*sqrt((u - w)*(v - w))/((a**2 - w)*(b**2 - w)*(c**2 - w))), "bipolar_cylindrical": (a/(cosh(v) - cos(u)), a/(cosh(v) - cos(u)), 1), "toroidal": (a/(cosh(v) - cos(u)), a/(cosh(v) - cos(u)), a*sinh(v)/(cosh(v) - cos(u))), "bispherical": (a/(cosh(v) - cos(u)), a/(cosh(v) - cos(u)), a*sin(v)/(cosh(v) - cos(u))), "conical": (1, u*sqrt((v**2 - w**2)/((v**2 - a**2)*(b**2 - b**2))), u*sqrt((v**2 - w**2)/((v**2 - a**2)*(b**2 - b**2))))} if coord_sys not in h_dict.keys(): msg = "System coordinate not available.\n\nAvailable options are:\n" raise ValueError(msg + ", ".join(h_dict.keys())) return h_dict[coord_sys]
[docs]def unit_vec_deriv(vec_i, coord_j, coords=(x, y, z), h_vec=(1, 1, 1)): r""" Compute the derivatives of unit vectors with respect to coordinates The derivative is defined as .. math:: \frac{\partial{\hat{\mathbf{e}}_i}}{\partial u_j} = \begin{cases} \hat{\mathbf{e}_j} \frac{1}{h_i} \frac{\partial{h_j}}{\partial u_i} &\text{if } i\neq j\\ -\sum_{\substack{k=1\\ k\neq i}}^3 \hat{\mathbf{e}_k} \frac{1}{h_k} \frac{\partial{h_i}}{\partial u_k} &\text{if } i = j\\ \end{cases}\, , as presented in [ARFKEN]_. Parameters ---------- vec_i : int Number of the unit vector (0, 1, 2). coord_j : int Number of the coordinate (0, 1, 2). coords : Tuple (3), optional Coordinates for the new reference system. This is an optional parameter it takes (x, y, z) as default. h_vec : Tuple (3), optional Scale coefficients for the new coordinate system. It takes (1, 1, 1), as default. Returns ------- deriv: Matrix (3, 1) Derivative of the i-th unit vector with respect to the j-th coordinate. References ---------- .. [ARFKEN] George Arfken, Hans J. Weber and Frank Harris. Mathematical methods for physicists, Elsevier, 2013. """ deriv = zeros(3, 1) if vec_i != coord_j: deriv[coord_j] = diff(h_vec[coord_j], coords[vec_i])/h_vec[vec_i] else: for cont in range(3): if cont != vec_i: deriv[cont] = -diff(h_vec[vec_i], coords[cont])/h_vec[cont] return deriv
#%% Vector analysis
[docs]def levi_civita(i, j, k): """Levi-Civita symbol""" return (i - j)*(j - k)*(k - i)/S(2)
[docs]def dual_tensor(vec): r"""Compute the dual tensor for an axial vector In index notation, the dual is defined by .. math:: C_{ij} = \epsilon_{ijk} C_k where :math:`\epsilon_{ijk}` is the Levi-Civita symbol. Parameters ---------- vec : Matrix (3) Axial vector. Returns ------- dual: Matrix (3, 3) Second order matrix that is dual of vec. References ---------- .. [ARFKEN] George Arfken, Hans J. Weber and Frank Harris. Mathematical methods for physicists, Elsevier, 2013. """ dual = zeros(3, 3) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): for k in range(3): dual[i, j] = dual[i, j] + levi_civita(i, j, k) * vec[k] return dual
[docs]def dual_vector(tensor): r"""Compute the dual (axial) vector for an anti-symmetric tensor In index notation, the dual is defined by .. math:: C_{i} = \frac{1}{2}\epsilon_{ijk} C_{jk} where :math:`\epsilon_{ijk}` is the Levi-Civita symbol. Parameters ---------- tensor : Matrix (3, 3) Second order tensor. Returns ------- dual: Matrix (3) Axial vector that is the dual of tensor. References ---------- .. [ARFKEN] George Arfken, Hans J. Weber and Frank Harris. Mathematical methods for physicists, Elsevier, 2013. """ if not tensor.is_anti_symmetric(): raise TypeError("The tensor should be antisymmetric") dual = Matrix([0, 0, 0]) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): for k in range(3): dual[i] = dual[i] + levi_civita(i, j, k) * tensor[j, k] return dual/S(2)
#%% Differential operators
[docs]def grad(u, coords=(x, y, z), h_vec=(1, 1, 1)): """ Compute the gradient of a scalara function phi. Parameters ---------- u : SymPy expression Scalar function to compute the gradient from. coords : Tuple (3), optional Coordinates for the new reference system. This is an optional parameters, and it takes a cartesian (x, y, z), as default. h_vec : Tuple (3), optional Scale coefficients for the new coordinate system. It takes (1, 1, 1), as default. Returns ------- gradient: Matrix (3, 1) Column vector with the components of the gradient. """ return Matrix(3, 1, lambda i, j: u.diff(coords[i])/h_vec[j])
[docs]def grad_vec(A, coords=(x, y, z), h_vec=(1, 1, 1)): """ Gradient of a vector function A. Parameters ---------- A : Matrix (3, 1), list Vector function to compute the gradient from. coords : Tuple (3), optional Coordinates for the new reference system. This is an optional parameter it takes (x, y, z) as default. h_vec : Tuple (3), optional Scale coefficients for the new coordinate system. It takes (1, 1, 1), as default. Returns ------- gradient: Matrix (3, 3) Matrix with the components of the gradient. The position (i, j) has as components diff(A[i], coords[j]. """ gradient = zeros(3, 3) for i in range(3): vec_i = eye(3)[:, i] for j in range(3): vec_j = eye(3)[:, j] diff_vec = unit_vec_deriv(j, i, coords, h_vec) gradient += vec_i * vec_j.T * A[j].diff(coords[i])/h_vec[i] gradient += vec_i * diff_vec.T * A[j]/h_vec[i] return gradient
[docs]def sym_grad(A, coords=(x, y, z), h_vec=(1, 1, 1)): """ Symmetric part of the gradient of a vector function A. Parameters ---------- A : Matrix (3, 1), list Vector function to compute the gradient from. coords : Tuple (3), optional Coordinates for the new reference system. This is an optional parameter it takes (x, y, z) as default. h_vec : Tuple (3), optional Scale coefficients for the new coordinate system. It takes (1, 1, 1), as default. Returns ------- sym_grad: Matrix (3, 3) Matrix with the components of the symmetric part of the gradient. The position (i, j) has as components diff(A[i], coords[j]. """ G = grad_vec(A, coords, h_vec) return S(1)/2*(G + G.T)
[docs]def antisym_grad(A, coords=(x, y, z), h_vec=(1, 1, 1)): """ Antisymmetric part of the gradient of a vector function A. Parameters ---------- A : Matrix (3, 1), list Vector function to compute the gradient from. coords : Tuple (3), optional Coordinates for the new reference system. This is an optional parameter it takes (x, y, z) as default. h_vec : Tuple (3), optional Scale coefficients for the new coordinate system. It takes (1, 1, 1), as default. Returns ------- antisym_grad: Matrix (3, 3) Matrix with the components of the antisymmetric part of the gradient. The position (i, j) has as components diff(A[i], coords[j]. """ G = grad_vec(A, coords, h_vec) return S(1)/2*(G - G.T)
[docs]def div(A, coords=(x, y, z), h_vec=(1, 1, 1)): """ Divergence of the vector function A. Parameters ---------- A : Matrix, list Vector function to compute the divergence from. coords : Tuple (3), optional Coordinates for the new reference system. This is an optional parameter it takes (x, y, z) as default. h_vec : Tuple (3), optional Scale coefficients for the new coordinate system. It takes (1, 1, 1), as default. Returns ------- divergence: SymPy expression Divergence of A. """ h = h_vec[0]*h_vec[1]*h_vec[2] aux = simplify((S(1)/h)*sum(diff(A[k]*h/h_vec[k], coords[k]) for k in range(3))) return aux
[docs]def div_tensor(tensor, coords=(x, y, z), h_vec=(1, 1, 1)): """ Divergence of a (second order) tensor Parameters ---------- tensor : Matrix (3, 3) Tensor function function to compute the divergence from. coords : Tuple (3), optional Coordinates for the new reference system. This is an optional parameter it takes (x, y, z) as default. h_vec : Tuple (3), optional Scale coefficients for the new coordinate system. It takes (1, 1, 1), as default. Returns ------- divergence: Matrix Divergence of tensor. References ---------- .. [RICHARDS] Rowland Richards. Principles of Solids Mechanics. CRC Press, 2011. """ h1, h2, h3 = h_vec u1, u2, u3 = coords div1 = diff(h2*h3*tensor[0, 0], u1) + diff(h1*h3*tensor[0, 1], u2) \ + diff(h1*h2*tensor[0, 2], u3) + h3*tensor[0, 1]*diff(h1, u2) \ + h2*tensor[0, 2]*diff(h1, u3) - h3*tensor[1, 1]*diff(h2, u1) \ - h2*tensor[2, 2]*diff(h3, u1) div2 = diff(h2*h3*tensor[1, 0], u1) + diff(h1*h3*tensor[1, 1], u2) \ + diff(h1*h2*tensor[1, 2], u3) + h1*tensor[1, 2]*diff(h2, u3) \ + h3*tensor[1, 0]*diff(h2, u1) - h1*tensor[2, 2]*diff(h3, u2) \ - h3*tensor[2, 2]*diff(h1, u2) div3 = diff(h2*h3*tensor[2, 0], u1) + diff(h1*h3*tensor[2, 1], u2) \ + diff(h1*h2*tensor[2, 2], u3) + h2*tensor[2, 0]*diff(h1, u1) \ + h1*tensor[2, 1]*diff(h1, u2) - h1*tensor[1, 1]*diff(h2, u3) \ + h2*tensor[2, 2]*diff(h1, u3) return Matrix([div1, div2, div3])/(h1*h2*h3)
[docs]def curl(A, coords=(x, y, z), h_vec=(1, 1, 1)): """ Curl of a function vector A. Parameters ---------- A : Matrix, List Vector function to compute the curl from. coords : Tuple (3), optional Coordinates for the new reference system. This is an optional parameter it takes (x, y, z) as default. h_vec : Tuple (3), optional Scale coefficients for the new coordinate system. It takes (1, 1, 1), as default. Returns ------- curl : Matrix (3, 1) Column vector with the curl of A. """ perm = lambda i, j, k: (i - j)*(j - k)*(k - i)/S(2) h = h_vec[0]*h_vec[1]*h_vec[2] aux = [(S(1)/h)*sum(perm(i, j, k)*h_vec[i]*diff(A[k]*h_vec[k], coords[j]) for j in range(3) for k in range(3)) for i in range(3)] return Matrix(aux)
[docs]def lap(u, coords=(x, y, z), h_vec=(1, 1, 1)): """ Laplacian of the scalar function u. Parameters ---------- u : SymPy expression Scalar function to compute the laplacian from. coords : Tuple (3), optional Coordinates for the new reference system. This is an optional parameters, and it takes a cartesian (x, y, z), as default. h_vec : Tuple (3), optional Scale coefficients for the new coordinate system. It takes (1, 1, 1), as default. Returns ------- laplacian: Sympy expression Laplacian of u. """ h = S(h_vec[0]*h_vec[1]*h_vec[2]) return sum([1/h*diff(h/h_vec[k]**2*u.diff(coords[k]), coords[k]) for k in range(3)])
[docs]def lap_vec(A, coords=(x, y, z), h_vec=(1, 1, 1)): """ Laplacian of a vector function A. Parameters ---------- A : Matrix, List Vector function to compute the laplacian from. coords : Tuple (3), optional Coordinates for the new reference system. This is an optional parameter it takes (x, y, z) as default. h_vec : Tuple (3), optional Scale coefficients for the new coordinate system. It takes (1, 1, 1), as default. Returns ------- laplacian : Matrix (3, 1) Column vector with the components of the Laplacian. """ return grad(div(A, coords, h_vec), coords, h_vec) \ - curl(curl(A, coords, h_vec), coords, h_vec)
[docs]def biharmonic(u, coords=(x, y, z), h_vec=(1, 1, 1)): """ Bilaplacian of the scalar function u. Parameters ---------- u : SymPy expression Scalar function to compute the bilaplacian from. coords : Tuple (3), optional Coordinates for the new reference system. This is an optional parameters, and it takes a cartesian (x, y, z), as default. h_vec : Tuple (3), optional Scale coefficients for the new coordinate system. It takes (1, 1, 1), as default. Returns ------- bilaplacian: Sympy expression Bilaplacian of u. """ return lap(lap(u, coords, h_vec), coords, h_vec)
#%% if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()